If you use each tip intelligently you should be able to, using your ears, find what you are looking for.Īdding definition to your kick can be as simple as a boost at 80hz which will add ‘punch’. Some are contradictory, but so is sound – there is truth in all of them.
Unprocessed kick drums usually benefit from having some EQ boosts and cuts.Īll of the processing tips presented in this article are ‘wisdoms’ I’ve picked up over the last few years. VST EQ presets on the other hand will start to work straight away. Presets are great as starting points, the compressors should only need either the threshold or input changed for them to apply their magic. If you use VST equalizers and compressors, you’ll find they come with their own presets. :::EQ and Compression: Kick Drum tips, tricks and advice:::
Advanced Chord Lessons Part 2: Em7, Cadd9 and Dsus4.Advanced Chord Lessons Part 1: Dsus4 and Dsus2.Naming Tracks, Adding Icons and Colours.Setting Up Midi Input Record and Monitor.List of Free VST Compression Plugins(updated18-09-09).To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies.